A woman sitting in the middle of a church pew.

Find Your Spiritual Home Here

Are you looking for a welcoming church near me in Swansea, MA? Christ Church is all here to welcome you and help you immerse yourself in our vibrant parish life, participating in worship and ministries that resonate with your spirit. We're grateful for your presence, and we hope you leave feeling closer to the divine. Feel free to choose the worship posture that feels right for you—whether kneeling, standing, or sitting-as we come together in faith.

Participate in the Holy Eucharist

All baptized Christians are warmly invited to fully participate in the Holy Eucharist. Everyone seeking God and drawn to Christ is welcome at the Lord’s table. If you cannot come to the communion rail, please let an usher know, and we will bring communion to you. Gluten-free wafers are also available upon request. If you're visiting us for the first time, we would love for you to sign our guest book. Your presence is valued, and we look forward to connecting with you.

A cross on top of the steeple of a church.
A priest is giving a sermon to the congregation.

Reach Out To Us For More Information

To find out more about Christ Church, learn about membership, or join our email list, please contact our Rector, Fr. Alan Hesse, at [email protected]. If you have questions during your visit, feel free to ask us at unity church near me. We celebrate Jesus Christ and welcome you, wherever you are on your spiritual journey!

A woman is smiling while holding her hand on the shoulder of another person.